a red sky and some clouds and a mountain


I design learning experiences.

I'm an Instructional Designer who is passionate about skills training, adult education, and lifelong learning.


With a MA in Educational Technology, my recent work includes designing training programs at Lighthouse Labs, AppDirect, Pure & Applied, and UpstartEd.


• Design and development of training curricula and learning experiences

• Needs analysis research

• Graphic design to produce templates and instructional media

• Project management


Check out my thoughts and articles about learning experience design on Medium.


Feel free to contact me at brainoflaraine@gmail.com

I'm also on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Enjoy Learning Again

An email series for adult learners

Upskilling or reskilling can feel daunting. Perhaps it's been a while since you've done anything educational, or imposter syndrome tends to get in the way.

Don't worry, I've got your back.

This 7-part email series is designed to help you enjoy learning again and elevate the way you learn new skills.

Boxes with titles of 7 parts of email series

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